Log, map and share your journeys by train, easily and intuitively.
We made adding journeys as easy as can be, with station autocomplete search and full route preview. Add as few or as many attributes as you require. Customise the routing by adding intermediate points.
View all past and upcoming journeys at a glance. Filter the list and map by year, trip or other attributes. The ultimate solution for organising your rail adventures.
Log & map your journeys intuitively and with ease. As much or as little detail as you want.
Find out more about your journeys through useful insights, including distance, countries & more.
Create a record of your rail adventures from all over the world, with over 80 countries supported.
Create beautiful maps for sharing & encourage more environmetally friendly travel.
From most frequented stations to distance travelled at home and abroad, access a range of insights about your journeys by train.
Share your rail adventures with the world. Create an public profile and share your journey map & select statistics.
Check out an example public profile!
Explore how easy it is to start tracking and sharing your rail journeys today.
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